Domain Services for all your business needs!
Name Arena offers a wide variety services that help businesses or consumers to buy or sell domains, trademarks or social media accounts. Our services are customized to meet your needs and enable to to buy or sell an asset. You can rely on our knowledge and experience so you can focus on other important matters with your business. Once a verbal agreement has been secured, Name Arena will manage the contract execution, escrow process and the transfer of the domain or other asset to a buyer's control.
Domain Acquisition
Name Arena offers personalized domain name acquisition services of secondary market domains for all extensions. While .COM domains are still king in the domain name world and the target of many of our customers, we are also experienced at acquiring other generic extensions (.NET and .ORG), new generic extensions (.BLOG, .LAW, .SHOP, etc.) and country code domains (CO.UK, COM.AU, .IO, .AI, etc.).
Unlike some services of larger brokerage companies and mass market domain registrars who send automated system generated e-mails, Name Arena's domain name brokers conduct extensive research on the current registrant and develop a strategy giving clients the best chance to acquire the desired domain. All communication is customized and written to gain the trust of the domain seller.
Our many years of experience in the domain name industry has resulted in thousands of contacts across the many domain marketplaces, domain investors, and domain brokers. This helps us quickly engage in negotiations and get the best purchase price for our clients. Name Arena will contact the owner of the domain that you want to buy using an untraceable e-mail account and phone number.
Domain Name Acquisition Types
Name Arena will contact the owner of the domain that you want to buy using untraceable e-mail account and phone numbers. We will engage in negotiations and work to get you the lowest possible sale price.Partial Anonymous
In some domain acquisition cases, it may be necessary to reveal that Name Arena is serving a broker to purchase the domain name. By revealing that Name Arena is the broker, it gives credibility to the negotiation process. In some cases, the seller insists on knowing how they are dealing with, so we explain that we are a trusted domain broker. We may also need to reveal that we are brokering the domain name purchase to complete the escrow transaction.Full Disclosure
Revealing the actual buyer of a domain name is done only in cases where it is absolutely necessary to complete a domain name purchase. Full disclosure of the buyer to a seller is only done after explicit approval by our client and all attempts to purchase without revealing the name buyer have been unsuccessful.Domain Brokerage
Good domain names are valuable assets, but knowing how to assess the market value and finding the right place to sell your domain name will allow you to maximize the profit you make on selling a domain name. Name Arena will work to find the buyers who are mostly likely to pay the highest price for your domain.
Name Arena has a large network of contacts who are potential buyers or can help find buyer to monetize your domain(s) to its maximum potential. Name Arena will keep you informed of our progress and regularly set your expectations.
Domain Valuation
Name Arena offers a domain name valuation service to help you understand what the Fair Market Value (FMV) of a secondary market domain name is. Valuations are created based on extensive knowledge and experience of the domain market by a human, not a computer algorithm. We consider the key criteria such as domain extension, length of domain, keyword value, current use, domain registrant, and age of the domain. We also look at industry sources for similar domains that were recently sold. While the assessed FMV may not be the final purchase price, it will provide a prospective buyer what their budget should be prior to starting the purchase process.
Domain Name Backorder Management
Name Arena will help acquire registered domains that are expiring through the top industry backorder services. This service includes placing the backorders, managing the auction and processing payment if the backorder is successful. If the backorder is successful, Name Arena will then transfer control to you.
Trademark Acquisition
Name Arena assists client with acquiring the trademark rights to a registered trademark. Name Arena will reach out to the current owner of the mark and negotiate the purchase on your behalf. The willingness of a company or individual to sell a trademark depends on whether the mark is being used or will be used in the future. If the current owner does not plan to use the market in the future, they would be more willing to sell the mark or in some cases, they may also agree package a domain name and a trademark. Name Arena will assist with the assignment agreement to ensure that the rights are transferred to you.
Social Media Account Acquisition
Name Arena assist customers with acquiring social media accounts much like domain names; it is a challenge to buy a social media account that has already been created by someone else. Name Arena will work to contact the current owner and negotiate on our client’s behalf. If we can get agreement on a purchase price, Name Arena will manage the escrow process and the transfer on control of the account.